Herts Valleys CCG
I have worked with Claire Duncan at CMT Clarimed Training for the past 18 months we have built a good rapport and excellent working relationship. I have valued and really enjoyed working with Claire in developing the content for the AS training programme. Claire’s clinical back ground has been a significant factor in her understanding the risk issues and how this training is embedded in the culture and process of each practice.
Clarimed were very keen to ‘customise’ the programme to fit with our local requirements and what we have available – such as helping to introduce the use of which included familiarisation with MiDoS (Directory of Services) and also our very successful Community Navigator scheme. Another major reason for choosing Clarimed was their use of actors – we tested the first session in my locality to a group of 50+ Receptionists. I can report that this training session changed the temperature of the staff group, from our 25 practices that attended this very successful session – it was tangible. The receptionists came out of that session upbeat, positive and enthusiastic about their roles and the potential to be able to help patients get the right care.
This was the first time that AS had been talked about and so a major culture change and change in the way that most practices work. Because there is no Role Play there is not that creeping fear (for participants) that they will be picked on or have to ‘act’. It enables staff to fully engage with the training, to reflect on their style of communication and the impact it may have on the ‘customer’.
Claire has ensured that the actors embraced the remit and were able to reflect this in their involvement in the session. I have sat in on several sessions and can say that the actors are very well briefed – they understand the challenges for reception staff and seem to have a good understanding of what it’s like to work on the front desk – their contribution was relevant, thought provoking with the right balance of humour. I would have no hesitation in recommending Clarimed to a CCG that wish to develop the Active Signposting piece – it’s worth noting that this is different to Care Navigation which I understand as navigation with in the clinical roles whereas the benefit of AS is to consider patients’ social (care) needs.
‘A locality chair shared at the recent GP forum that she was surprised how successful the AS training had been and that she had started off as rather reluctant and sceptical about the difference that this training would make with her reception staff. She reported that as a practice they have saved 1/5 GP appointments since making this change to their practice processes.
Sarah Hill – Chief locality officer
Watford and 3 Rivers Locality, Herts Valleys CCG
Hillingdon Workforce Programme
“Hillingdon Workforce Programme offers GP practices a comprehensive package of workforce support including an administration development programme. Part of the programme focuses on Administrator skills and practice functions for Signposting and Health Champions. CMT Clarimed Training not only delivers the training to our staff for Customer Care and Active Signposting, but also works with us in a collaborative way to bespoke and develops the programme and how practices are supported to implement it. From scenarios to resources to policy and advice, Claire and the Clarimed team are very much linked in to what we in Hillingdon are trying to achieve in our practices. Their training sessions are informative and interactive and very relevant to GP practice. They are more than just a training provider, working with Claire and Clarimed is very much a partnership. We highly recommend them to help you develop your staff and programmes in GP practice.”
Annette Alcock
Hillingdon Primary Care Workforce Lead